Open Tues-Sat 10am-4pm: Museum Closed December 24th and 25th

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Cover for The American Bookbinders Museum
The American Bookbinders Museum

The American Bookbinders Museum

The American Bookbinders Museum explores and celebrates the craft, culture, and tools of bookbinding.

Did you know that the first rendition of “Twas the Night”, originally titled “A Visit from St. Nicholas”, was published anonymously in the Troy Sentinel in 1823 and later claimed by Clement Clarke? The poem has been published under numerous titles, including “The Night Before Christmas” and “Visit from Santa Claus”. Drawing on the historical record of artistic expression and winter celebrations in Western culture, the poem helped shape early conceptions of Santa Claus, portraying him as a “jolly old elf” or “one that is all-knowing of children’s behavior.” The story had a massive effect on the tradition of gift-giving by popularizing the image of Santa Claus as a figure who delivers presents to children on Christmas Eve. The poem introduced the idea of Santa arriving in a sleigh pulled by reindeer, descending chimneys to leave gifts, and embodying joy and generosity.Join us for a virtual webinar with Pamela McColl, author of “Twas the Night: The Art and History of the Classic Christmas Poem,” on December 21 at 11:00am followed by an in person signing of the book at the museum from 1:00-3:00pm.#factfriday #twasthenight #christmas #avisitfromstnick #giftgiving #santaclaus #st.nickInformation from Pamela McColl’s “Twas the Night: The Art and History of the Classic Christmas Poem.”Image of the 1st rendition of “A Visit from St. Nicholas”; public domain ... See MoreSee Less
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Donations help the ABM support its programming such as its monthly lectures. Did you miss a lecture? Don't worry! We record all of our lectures. Did you enjoy our virtual programming this year? Make a donation today to support future webinar#seasonofgivingi#donateo#ABM #americanbookbindersmuseumu#gift##supportmuseumsseums ... See MoreSee Less
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This month's collection highlight is the Official Boy Scout Bookbinding Kit! This kit includes everything a scout would need to create a scrapbook and rebind a book or 4 magazine issues. The kit also includes instructions that include bookbinding history. Repair, construction, and familiarity with both book parts and bookbinding tools were required for the badge. Sadly the badge was discontinued in 1987 after 60 years.The Official Boy Scout Bookbinding Kit! It includes everything a scout would need to create a scrapbook, rebind a book, or bind together 4 magazine issues. Also included are instructions and the history of bookbinding. Repair, construction, and familiarity with book parts and bookbinding tools were required for the badge. Sadly, the badge was discontinued in 1987 after 60 years. But, the ABM offers Girl Scouts of America’s Book Artist Badge. #bookbinding #GS #BSA #Scouts #bookbinding #badge #ABM ... See MoreSee Less
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A donation of any size supports our programming. Donations support every aspect of museum operations at the ABM. We appreciate our community and their participation and support. Join our community of donors today! The American Bookbinders Museum is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Donations are fully tax-deductible depending on your tax situation.#seasonofgiving #donate #ABM #americanbookbindersmuseum #gift #supportmuseums ... See MoreSee Less
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Do you have a rare book? Do you want to sell it? Do you want to fix it? Learn all this and more in tomorrow's live webinar with the American Bookbinders Museum and Rare Books Specialist Madeleine Moore. Take a peek into the world of rare books, their market, and the rare book room at Powell's. This session will be recorded and available to ticket holders afterward the webinar, so you can revisit the insights anytime!This webinar is funded in part by the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation. Scholarships for this webinar are available. For more information please email programs@bookbindersmus#freesf.#museumS#bookbindingo#conservationn#rarebooks##marbling #Paperback##booklover##powellsr #powells ... See MoreSee Less
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Alejandro  Diario  Técnica: Portablock con detalle de hilo en la portada. 12 x 8.5 cm  Año 2006  


María    Diario Técnica: tela italiana con detalles de hilo de algodón, cabezadas hechas a mano y cantos pintados. 24 x 18 cm  Año 2003  


Blanca.  Diario Técnica: collage en piel de borrego por ambos lados. Cortes en las hojas internas y registros de hilo de henequén. 24 x 18 cm  Año 2003


Violeta  Diario Técnica: encuadernado en piel badana teñida a la valenciana, con cantos labrados, las tapas del diario forman a su vez la caja de protección, guardas francesas, cabezadas y detalles de clavos. Cosida en telar con hilo de lino. [...]

Miguel Hernandez
Miguel Hernandez

MIGUEL HERNANDEZ, de José Luis Ferris  Elaborado para la 1ª Muestra Internacional de Encuadernación de Arte, realizada por el Taller “Llar del Llibre” en Alicante, España. Técnica: encuadernado en piel badana natural, con cantos labrados teñid [...]

La Vuelta al Mundo en Ochenta Días
La Vuelta al Mundo en Ochenta Días

Le Tour de Monde en Quatre-vingt Jours (edición original en francés) de Julio Verne Elaborado para el Concurso Internacional de la 8ª Bienal Mundial de Encuadernación de Arte, celebrado en París, Francia, en 2005: “Un calendrier a pendre au mu [...]

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