Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm: Closed Tuesday January 21 for MLK Holiday

San Francisco History Days, Sept. 25-27, 2020

A important part of San Francisco history, national history, and women’s history.

Celebrating the 19th Amendment, Suffragists in Print.

Tour the eighty-plus years of the struggle for women’s suffrage. By women-ing the press, suffragists took control of the narrative and their future. Meet some of the courageous women who demanded the vote in California, and across the nation. Learn how the West led the fight for suffrage, and how San Francisco women established themselves in local printing unions. Join us  in celebrating the centenary of the 19th Amendment.

19th Amendment

American Bookbinders Museum

The American Bookbinders Museum is the only museum of its kind in North America, celebrating and exploring the history, tools and stories of bookbinders and bookbinding, from its earliest forms through the changes and innovations of the industrial revolution.

Learn more