Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm: Walk-ins Welcome! We are closed Tuesday, April 1st.

Celebrating the 19th Amendment

Suffragists in Print!

Join us in celebrating the centennial of the 19th amendment. Woman’s suffrage dates back to the American revolution when Abigail Adams told her husband (John Adams, member of the Continental Congress) that:

If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.

(If only the constitutional framers had listened!)

We all know Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, but do you know who Emily Pitts Stevens, or Julia Stevens Fish Schlesinger were? They were California suffragists, activists, printers and publishers. Emily launched the Women’s Cooperative Printing Union and The Pioneer, and Julia published The Carrier Dove printed by the WCPU. 

Learn more about the women who fought with print to get the vote. Peruse newspapers, broadsheets, pamphlets and cartoons used to sway the [male] voting public to pass woman’s suffrage in 1911 and later in 1920. See what the “Anti’s” published to discourage passage of woman’s suffrage, and learn more about women’s bookbinding and printing unions here in San Francisco.

Join us in this celebration to learn more about woman’s suffrage, California history and women’s labor unions.

The physical exhibit opens in the museum Oct. 10th, we are open Thursday through Saturday,10am to 4pm.

Online access to this exhibit: Aug. 15—Dec. 30

Free and open to the public.

Want to learn more about voting, registering to vote and ballot initiatives? Check out the League of Women Voters of San Francisco for our bi-weekly “Ask the League” sessions.

Ask the League



American Bookbinders Museum

The American Bookbinders Museum is the only museum of its kind in North America, celebrating and exploring the history, tools and stories of bookbinders and bookbinding, from its earliest forms through the changes and innovations of the industrial revolution.

Learn more