Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm: Walk-ins Welcome

The Bookbinders Directory is Live

A.L. Bancroft 2The Bookbinders Museum is delighted to announce that our Directory of Bookbinders is now available on our website. To access it via the website, go to the Collections page, scroll down to “Bookbinders Directory”, and click on View. Scroll down to find links to the directory, organized by Name, by City, and by State. We hope this will be a valuable tool for researchers and historians.

To avoid suggestions of favoritism we do not list contemporary bookbinders, but will publish biographies of deceased bookbinders if submitted by family members.

This database contains biographical information on over three thousand American bookbinders and a lesser number of bookbinders from around the world. The database has been assembled mostly from primary sources including newspapers, city directories, letterheads, and bookbinders tickets. This is a work in progress and, as such, has not been thoroughly edited. Please check our data against the citations provided prior to publication. We welcome both corrections and additions if accompanied by verifiable citations.