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L’étranger (The Stranger, original French edition), by Albert Camus. Prepared for the International Competition of the 15th World Art Bookbinding Biennial, held in Paris, France, in 2019. Technique: cloth binding, hemp thread and amate paper. Hand-woven bridles and edges carved and painted with acrylic. For the decoration of the work I have used the technique that I have been developing for two decades and which I have called “The thread of life”. A kind of embroidery: thread glued on cardboard. The black thread is continuous. I have also used for the details of the covers of the cover a sacred material: the ashes of my deceased mother. The protagonist of the novel has been sentenced to death, more than for the murder he committed, for the way he dealt with the death of his mother. The Mexican skull in mourning is smiling ironically with its bright colors that symbolize the meaning of life that man can give in the face of its absurdity. On the cover, the guillotine also represents the tyranny of time. 29 x 20 cm 2021-2022

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