Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm: Walk-ins Welcome!

Smoke & Mirrors: Using Stage Magic in Book Arts

Magicians have been using illusory techniques for centuries to intrigue and trick their audiences. Many principles of stage illusions are relevant to book arts: sequencing and timing, hiding and revealing, and curating an experience for the audience.

Join guest speaker Keri Miki-Lani Schroeder to see connections between stage magic and book arts first hand. Get an overview of historical tricks and devices focusing on structures such as the magic blow book, magic wallet, and volvelles. Peek behind the curtain to learn tricks of the trade and learn how Schroeder researched and incorporated elements of magic to conjure creative content in her own work.

Cost: $15

Date & Time: Saturday May 24th, 2025 11:00am PST

About the Binder:

Keri Miki-Lani Schroeder is a book artist and proprietor of Coyote Bones Press based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She creates limited-edition artist’s books, hosts Books in the Wild Podcast, and is the curator for The Press at the Palace of the Governors.

  • May 24, 2025 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
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