Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm

Opening Reception for Ex Libris

Please join us Tuesday, September 13th, from 1pm – 4pm for an in-person reception celebrating the opening of Ex Libris: The Art of Contemporary World Bookplates. Meet exhibit curator James Keenan, as well as collectors and exhibitors. Experience the beauty of bookplate art from 33 countries and more than 100 artists.

Light snacks and beverages will be served.

While you’re here, tour the American Bookbinders Museum. Take our self-guided Audio or Signature tour for a special price of $10. Purchase your ticket at reception, or here.

Ex Libris is offered in conjunction with the American Society of Bookplate Collectors and Designers (ASBCD), and the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Amateurs d’Ex Libris (FISAE), and sponsored by the Keith Wingrove Memorial Trust, Melbourne, Australia.


                        Keith Wingrove Memorial Trust                          American Bookbinders Museum

American Bookbinders Museum

The American Bookbinders Museum is the only museum of its kind in North America, celebrating and exploring the history, tools and stories of bookbinders and bookbinding, from its earliest forms through the changes and innovations of the industrial revolution.

Learn more