Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm

Making Their Mark Virtual Reception

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Missed the reception? Watch a recording of this lively conversation with our special guest panelists.

Hosted by Kristine Connelly, moderated by Madeleine Robins, and with guest panelists: Brien Beidler, Paul Brubaker, Sameul Feinstein and Anita Engles.

Find out why practitioners and exhibit curators love decorating and finishing! Recorded on April 10, 2021. Now available to those who could not join us. Cheers!

Paul Brubaker
High Bids Win
Brien Beidler
Beidler Made
Samuel Feinstein
Samuel Feinstein Bookbinding
Anita Engles
American Bookbinders Museum

Visit the online exhibit: Making Their Mark—Decorating and Finishing Visit

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American Bookbinders Museum

The American Bookbinders Museum is the only museum of its kind in North America, celebrating and exploring the history, tools and stories of bookbinders and bookbinding, from its earliest forms through the changes and innovations of the industrial revolution.

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