Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm: Walk-ins Welcome

Construction Update: An interview with our Executive Director, Stacey Smith

We are so excited about the new space for the museum!  Many of you might have been wondering about the progress at 856 Folsom Street. Here are some photos of the space as it is right now:


View of the current front window from the second Floor


Folsom Street window display


Split view of museum space and mezzanine level from the second floor


To find out what’s next, we talked with Stacey, Executive Director of the American Bookbinders Museum. Here is that conversation.

 Tell us about getting into the new space:

“The museum is the beneficiary of an angel investor, who purchased a building in the heart of San Francisco’s museum district.  It is an older building with frontage on both Folsom and Clementina Streets.  It is an industrial space that is the perfect place for a 19th Century bookbindery.  It gives us enough space to house the entire collection, the machinery, the archives and the library.”


View of the museum space from the second floor


What’s happening with the building now?

” We moved into the space in September of 2013, and came to realize that for the space to best serve our purposes we needed to undertake a renovation. We are making a renovation of the space that will ensure that we are fully accessible, and can properly house and display the collection to best effect.”


Machinery ready to be assembled and displayed in the new space


What’s the timeline for the renovation?

“We have finalized the general design.  We will begin construction on the first floor, while we also go through a permitting process with the City of San Francisco.  We hope to have final permits for construction by this summer (July).   Construction will be 2-3 months after that, and we are planning for an opening this Fall.”


 What is the most exciting thing about the design?

“For one, the entrance on Clementina Street.  It will be a sunnier, quieter entry that provides for an appropriate greeting space for visitors.  We are excited about the library and reading  room, an ample space to grow our collection.  It will optimize the preservation of, and expansion of the collection. The interior design will be in keeping with a 19th Century bookbindery.  Finally, the space will also be able to serve as a premier event venue in the Moscone neighborhood.”


New entrance on Clementina St.


If you have any thoughts on other events or uses for this wonderful space, located near many restaurants and museums in the South of Market area, just let us know. You can contact us at Looking forward to seeing you at the new American Bookbinders Museum!