Print : a quarterly journal of the graphic arts ; Vol. 1, No. 2 ; Sep, 1940.
121 p. ; color illus.
Propaganda and the Graphic Arts / Frederick G. Rudge.
Know Your Colors : color control in the printing process / Thacher Nelson.
What About Printing Education? : Setting the stage for action / Harry L. Gage.
Laurance B. Siegfried [bio and new position] / Raymond Lufkin.
Since Gutenberg (Part II - 1800 to 1940) / Carl P. Rollins.
Seeing the Unseen : Capturing the drama of instantaneous action in color /
Merle D. Penney.
Woodcuts and Wood Engravings / J. J. Lankes and Norman Kent.
Battle of the Naked Men, by Antonio Pallaiuolo (1429-1498) 100 masterpieces
of printmaking: n o.2
Notes on the Field of Prints / John Taylor Arms.

Book industries and trade, Graphic arts.Periodicals.
William Edwin Rudge
William Edwin Rudge
New Haven
United States
North America
Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1940)- Serial enumeration caption: Volume 1, No. 2.
26 cm