A Complete History of the Life and Trial of Charles Julius Guiteau, Assassin of President Garfield / H.G. and C.J. Hayes
Illustrated with engravings.
Consists of two parts: The Autobiography of Charles Jules Guiteau, Assassin of President Garfield and The Trial of Charles J. Guiteau, The Assassin of President Garfield.

Kathleen V. Roberts Collection of Decorated Publishers' Bindings
7-3/4 in
C.J. HayesH.G. Hayes
Hubbard Brothers
United States
North America
Publisher's Binding- Salesman's Sample
Saleman's Sample with full page advertisement for book and blank order pages bound to rear of sample texts. Bound in green cloth with profile of Guiteau in gilt looking out through black bars in a prison cell door complete with lock and key and hanging noose. Rear cover with Eastlake design and The Trial of Guiteau the Assassin in gilt.
Charles J. Guiteau