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"Here Today... Gone Tomorrow": A pH Investigation of Brigham Young University's 1987 Acquisitions, Randall R. Butler Nov. 1990
"To the critics, these pearls" --P.G. Wodehouse dedications / Barry Phelps. John Law and the Mississippi bubble / John G. Garratt. Shaped books / Elizabeth Gant. Rum customers number five: Now that April's here / Philip Jaggard.
"Writing the unreadable" on the illegible / David Sullivan. On the trail of lost documents / Agnes F. Peterson. A recent acquisition in Jewish history / Peter Stansky.
'Put a resolute hart to a steep hill' : William Gowans antiquary and bookseller : a lecture : given on 12 December 1988, the fourth Sol. M. Malkin lecture in bibliography / by Roger E. Stoddard.
'Put a resolute hart to a steep hill' : William Gowans antiquary and bookseller : a lecture : given on 12 December 1988, the fourth Sol. M. Malkin lecture in bibliography / by Roger E. Stoddard.
105 years of bookbinding, Hull Bindery / Stephen Ingram. Decline and fall (1): The institutional bindery / David Lanning. Decline and fall (2): The public library / Nigel Jury. Mission praise, mission save / Norman J. Lurcook. Forward together! - a report on SoB and DB's first joint venture / Dominic Riley. The blind leading the blind? / Nina Inglis. Lawrence and fine binding / Peter Metcalfe. Will computers replace books? / Malcolm Hopper. Conference & training notes.
12, Volume VI, Number 2, 1984 / Tramp Printers: Craft Culture, Trade Unions, and Technology / William S. Pretzer. Teaching Typography / Alexander Lawson. Book Reviews by Peter M. VanWingen, Daniel Traister, Stephen Paul Davis, Larry E. Sullivan, Richard Newman, James Trissel, GraceAnne Andrea's DeCandido, Alexander Nesbitt, Sheila Waters, Larry Silver, Paul Hayden Duensing.
13, Volume VII, Number 1, 1985 / A Transatlantic Involvement with Printing History / John Dreyfus. For Gospel and Wool Trade: Early Printing in New Zealand / Roderick Cave and Kathleen Coleridge. The First Publication to Use American-Made Type / C. Deirdre Phelps. Review: John Carter and Graham Pollard, An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth-Century Pamphlets; Nicholas Barker and John Collins, A Sequel to an Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth Century Pamphlets by John Carter and Graham Pollard / William S. Peterson. John Buechler, Charles Whittingham, Printer, 1795-1876; James Davis, Printed by Hague and Gill; Vincent Torre, a Tribute to W. A. Dwiggins on the Hundredth Anniversary of his Birth; Gay Walker, the Works of Carl P. Rollins / David Pankow. Phoebe Jane Easton, Marbling / Robin Heyeck. Brigid Peppin and Lucy Micklethwait, Book Illustrators of the Twentieth Century / Bernard McTigue.
13, Volume VII, Number 1, 1985 / A Transatlantic Involvement with Printing History / John Dreyfus. For Gospel and Wool Trade: Early Printing in New Zealand / Roderick Cave and Kathleen Coleridge. The First Publication to Use American-Made Type / C. Deirdre Phelps. Review: John Carter and Graham Pollard, An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth-Century Pamphlets; Nicholas Barker and John Collins, A Sequel to an Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth Century Pamphlets by John Carter and Graham Pollard / William S. Peterson. John Buechler, Charles Whittingham, Printer, 1795-1876; James Davis, Printed by Hague and Gill; Vincent Torre, a Tribute to W. A. Dwiggins on the Hundredth Anniversary of his Birth; Gay Walker, the Works of Carl P. Rollins / David Pankow. Phoebe Jane Easton, Marbling / Robin Heyeck. Brigid Peppin and Lucy Micklethwait, Book Illustrators of the Twentieth Century / Bernard McTigue.
1997. Marks in Books: The Conference / Roger E. Stoddard. At the Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University, January 27, 1997 / Roger E. Stoddard. Problems of Decoration and Provenance of Incunables Illuminated by North Italian Miniaturists / Lilian Armstrong. Institutional Management of Book Stocks / David McKitterick. The Rosenthal Collection of Printed Books with Manuscript Annotations / Bernard M. Rosenthal. The Implications of Incunable Description for the History of Reading Revisited / Paul Sanger. Exploring and Recording Provenance: Initiatives and Possibilities / David Pearson. Provenance Evidence and Printing and Publishing Evidence: Use and Revision of the RBMS Thesauri / Deborah J. Leslie. The Recording of Marks of Provenance in the Bibliotheque Nationale de France and Other French Libraries / Ursula Bauermeister. Index possessor incunabulorum (IPI): Notes on the Ownerships of Incunables / Paul Needham. English and Scottish Ownership of Printed Books, 1450-1557: Report on a Database for the History of the Book in Britain, Volume III / Margaret Lane Ford. Private Libraries in Renaissance England: A Progress Report / E.S. Leedham-Green. The "Marks in Books" Project of the Bibliographical Society (London) / Lotte Hellinga. Marks of Ownership of British and American Book Collectors / Denis Woodfield. Marks in Books and Libraries of Henry VIII / Marks in Books Printed by the Brothers of the Common Life in Brussels: Production and Reception / Elly Cockx-Indestege. Dated and Datable Borders in English Books, c. 1395-c.1504: Preliminary Thoughts on a Project Sponsored by the Bibliographical Society of London / Kathleen L. Scott.
1998. A Meditation on the Variety in Scale and Context in the Modern Study of the Early Printed Heritage / Lotte Hellinga. "Till You Understand Them in Their Principal Features": Observations on Form and Function in Nineteenth-Century American Law Books / Ann Fidler. "Alla Insegna del Giesu": Publishing Books and Pictures in Renaissance Venice / Lisa Pon. Sales and Prices of Shakespeare First Folios: A History, 1623 to the Present (Part One) / Anthony James West.
1998. Edward Thompson (1738?-86): the Contributions of a Satirist to the "London Magazine" and the "Westminster Magazine" / Edward W. Pitcher. Not so Marginal: Manuscript Annotations in the Folger Incunabula / Monique Hulvey. Speech Prefixes in Some Shakespearean Quartos / Richard F. Kennedy.
1998. The Large- and Small-Paper Copies of Dryden's "The Works of Virgil" (1697): Jacob Tonson's Investment and Profits and the Example of "Paradise Lost" (1688) / John Barnard. "Hitch Your Wagon to a Star": The Square Dollar Series and Ezra Pound / Greg Barnhisel. "King Lear" in an Age of Stenographical Reproduction or "On Sitting Down to Copy 'King Lear' Again" / Adele Davidson. Music Publications Dated by English Watermarks, 1794-c.1830 / Lee Brentlinger.
1999. "Mancha Uno Alfabeto Intero": Recording Difettive Book Shipments in Counter-Reformation Florence / Paul F. Gehl. "Clothed with the Authority": A Dispute Over Public Printing in Colorado Territory / Robert D. Armstrong. Textual Problems Within the Canon of Hank Williams / Thomas L. Wilmeth.
1999. Book Canvassers, Mark Twain, and Hamlet's Ghost / Keith Arbour. "Banned in America by the U.S. Customs Officials!": The Publication of Peter Neagoe's "Storm" (1932) / James Armstrong. A "Fill-in" Job: The Textual Crux and Interrupted Printing in Thomas Middleton's "The Triumphs of Honor and Virtue (1622) / Adrian Weiss. Sales and Prices of Shakespeare First Folios: A History, 1623 to the Present (Part Two) / Anthony James West.
2000. "Dear Lawrence," "Dear Bill": William A Jackson, Lawrence C. Wroth, and the Practice of Bibliography in America / Roger E. Stoddard. Electrifying Research in Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts / Gregory A Pass. Identifying and Tracking Paper Stocks in Early Modern London / David L. Gants. Letter Manuals, Literary Innovation, and the Problem of Defining Genre in Anglo-American Epistolary Instruction, 1568-1800 / Konstantin Dierks. The Early Publication History of Scott's "Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border" / Jane Millgate.
2000. "People of the Book": The Production of Theological Texts in Early Modern England / Kari Konkola. A Stop Press Correction in Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market" / Maura Ives. Contributions to the Canon and Text of Padraic Colum's Writings / Arthur Sherbo. Additions and Emendations to Pre-1801 Entries in Thomas J. Holmes's Bibliographies of the Mathers / Keith Arbour.
2000. A Little-Known Chapter in Hebrew Printing: Francesco Dalle Donne and the Beginning of Hebrew Printing in Verona in the Sixteenth Century / Marvin J. Heller. James Franklin, Apprentice, Artisan, Dissident, and Teacher / Keith Arbour. Defoe De-Attributions Scrutinized Under Hargevik Criteria: Applying Stylometrics to the Canon / Irving N. Rothman. Magazines and the Profession of Authorship in the United States, 1840-1900 / Ellery Sedgwick.
2000. Pre-Ornamented Bookcloth on Nineteenth-Century Cloth Case Bindings / Andrea Krupp and Jennifer Woods Rosner. Thomas Middleton, Thomas Dekker, and "The Bloody Banquet" / Gary Taylor. "Favoritism has Been Practiced": New Capital, Old Printer in Dakota Territory / Robert D. Armstrong. Recuperating the Author: Consuming Fictions of the 1990s / Juliet Gardiner.
2001. Late Webster and His Collaborators: How Many Playwrights Wrote "A Cure for a Cuckold"? / MacD. P. Jackson. Scribe or Compositor: Ralph Crane, Compositors D and F, and the First Four Plays in the Shakespeare First Folio / Paul Wresting. Solomon Stoddard's "Addition" to "The Safety of Appearing" (Boston, 1729) and the Attribution of its Printing, with a Note on "Reilly 695" / Keith Arbour.
2001. The English Provincial Book Trade: A Northern Mosaic / Peter Isaac. Collecting Dante in America at the End of the Nineteenth Century: John Zahn and Notre Dame / Christian Y. Dupont. "Geuyng Light to the Reader": Robert Crowley's Editions of "Piers Plowman" (1550) / R. Carter Hailey. "By Foule Authority": Miscorrection in the Folio Text of Shakespeare's "Troilus and Cressida" / William Searle.
2002. Middleton and Rowley - and Heywood: "The Old Law" and New Attribution Technologies / Gary Taylor. Act Divisions in the Shakespeare First Folio / James Hirsh. Between the Stage and the Book: John Murray and the Publication of Drama, 1812-19 / Massimiliano Demata.
Publication![2002. Newspapers and Bibliography: The Importance of Artifacts / Hope Mayo. Reading the Newspaper: Newsprint and Modern Memory / Nicholson Baker. "Go Down, Moses [and Other Stories]": Bibliography as a Novel Approach to a Question of Genre / Peter Caster. "A Most Exquisite Mechanic": Labor and Leisure, Printing and Authorship in the Periodical Essays of Benjamin Franklin / Joseph Chaves. Restoring Order: The Ecole des Chartes and the Organization of Archives and Libraries in France, 1820-70 / Lara Moore.](
2002. Newspapers and Bibliography: The Importance of Artifacts / Hope Mayo. Reading the Newspaper: Newsprint and Modern Memory / Nicholson Baker. "Go Down, Moses [and Other Stories]": Bibliography as a Novel Approach to a Question of Genre / Peter Caster. "A Most Exquisite Mechanic": Labor and Leisure, Printing and Authorship in the Periodical Essays of Benjamin Franklin / Joseph Chaves. Restoring Order: The Ecole des Chartes and the Organization of Archives and Libraries in France, 1820-70 / Lara Moore.
2002. Printed Superior Figures in Nicholas Jenson's Lawbooks / David R. Carlson. What Price Shakespeare?: James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps and the Shilling Shakespeares of the 1860s / Marvin Spevack. Versions of a Text: "A Drama of Exile" as a Test Case for a New Edition of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Collected Poems / Sandra M. Donaldson. Kipling and the Pirates / David Alan Richards.
2002. The Description of Bookcloth: Making a Case for More Precision / Willman Spawn and Thomas E. Kinsella. Papermaking in New England Before 1675? A Document and a Challenge / Keith Arbor. From the Sale Catalogues of the Libraries of Dr. Richard Farmer, George Steevens, and Isaac Reed / Arthur Sherbo. Uncertain Proofs: Alexander Pope, Lewis Theobald, and Questions of Patronage / Michael F. Suarez, S.J.
2003. The Anonymous Rome 1522 "Chrysoloras": A Newly Discovered Greek Press / Staffan Fogelmark. What "I Will": Mediating Subjects; or, Ralph Crane and the Folio's "Tempest" / Vernon Guy Dickson. The Final Stages of Printing Ben Jonson's "Works," 1640-1 / Eugene Giddens. "A Narrative of the Proceedings in France": Reattributing a De-attributed Work by Defoe / Maximillian E. Novak.
280-MM Maintenance Manual Goss Metroline Printing Units With Injector Ink System for Press 3341-42 4/1982
36, Volume XVIII, Number 2, copyright 1998 / Mark Twain's Nemesis: The Paige Compositor / Corban Goble. Origins of San Francisco Fine Printing Traditions / Robert D. Harlan. William Everson: Fine Printer / Michael Peich.
38/39, Volume XIX, Number 2, Volume XX, Number 1, copyright 1999 / Blackletter: Type and National Identity. Double issue catalog of the exhibition / Curated by Peter Bain and Paul Shaw / Element, Max Bittrof / Dannenberg, Erich Meyer / Deutschland, Type and Nationalism / Gotika, Imre Reiner / Ballade, Paul Renner / Rotunda, Italy and Spain / The Arts and crafts Movement, William Morris and Will H. Bradley / Modern Rotunda, The Historical Roots of New Forms / Batarde, Burgundy and Northern France / Civilite, France and the Low Countries / Schwabacher, Bohemia and the German States / The Birth of Fraktur, Maximilian I and Martin Luther / Breitkopf, B.C. Breitkopf and J.G.I. Breitkopf / Walbaum Fraktur, Justus Erich Walbaum / Unger Fraktur, Johann Friedrich Unger / Decorative Fraktur / Fat Face Fraktur, 19th Century Germany / Hybrid Type, The Marriage of Roman and Fraktur / Eckmannschrift, Otto Eckmann / Behrens-Shrift, Peter Behrens / Neudeutsch, Otto Hupp / Weiss Fraktur, Emil Rudolf Weiss / Riemann's Frakturs, Walter Riemann / Gilgengart Fraktur, Hermann Zapf / Bernhard Fraktur, Lucian Bernhard / Deutsche Shrift, Rudolf Koch / Koch's Frakturs, Rudolf Koch / Post Fraktur, Herbert Post / Zentenar Fraktur, F.H. Ernst Schneidler
40, Volume XX, Number 2 / Mirror-image Monograms as Printers' Devices on Title Pages of Hebrew Books Printed in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries / Marvin J. Heller. Illustrating Invention: Nineteenth-century Machine Advertising for the Aikens of Franklin, New Hampshire / Richard M. Candee. Way & Williams, Publishers, Chicago, 1895-98 / Peter E. Hanff. Grab horn Press Ephemera: The Missing Matter / Alfred W. Baxter.
40, Volume XX, Number 2 / Mirror-image Monograms as Printers' Devices on Title Pages of Hebrew Books Printed in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries / Marvin J. Heller. Illustrating Invention: Nineteenth-century Machine Advertising for the Aikens of Franklin, New Hampshire / Richard M. Candee. Way & Williams, Publishers, Chicago, 1895-98 / Peter E. Hanff. Grab horn Press Ephemera: The Missing Matter / Alfred W. Baxter.
41, Volume XXI, Number 1, copyright 2001 / The Second Revival; Fine Printing Since World War II / Kenneth Auchincloss. The Cento Amici del Libro / Martino Mardersteig. Theh Trianon Press's William Blake's Water-colour Designs for the Poems of Thomas Gray / Carol Grossman. The Rampant Lions Press - Retrospectus and Prospectus / Sebastian Carter.
41, Volume XXI, Number 1, copyright 2001 / The Second Revival; Fine Printing Since World War II / Kenneth Auchincloss. The Cento Amici del Libro / Martino Mardersteig. Theh Trianon Press's William Blake's Water-colour Designs for the Poems of Thomas Gray / Carol Grossman. The Rampant Lions Press - Retrospectus and Prospectus / Sebastian Carter.
42, Volume XXI, Number 2, copyright 2001 / The Huntington Apocalypse Blockbook (Schreiber Editions IV/V), with a Note on Terminology / Joseph A. Dane. A Renaissance Font: Paris, 1516 / Kay Amert. Why the Irish Speak English: The Consequences of One Culture's Resistance to Technological Change / Peter K. Fallon. The Rev. Abraham O. Stansbury and the Stansbury Press / Philip J. Weimerskirch. Fraternal Offspring: Matthew Carter's Manutius/Miller / Gerald Lange.
42, Volume XXI, Number 2, copyright 2001 / The Huntington Apocalypse Blockbook (Schreiber Editions IV/V), with a Note on Terminology / Joseph A. Dane. A Renaissance Font: Paris, 1516 / Kay Amert. Why the Irish Speak English: The Consequences of One Culture's Resistance to Technological Change / Peter K. Fallon. The Rev. Abraham O. Stansbury and the Stansbury Press / Philip J. Weimerskirch. Fraternal Offspring: Matthew Carter's Manutius/Miller / Gerald Lange.
43/44, Volume XXII, Numbers 1 and 2 / The Rise and Fall of ATF / David Pankow. Introduction to the Exhibition / Jennifer B. Lee. Type to Print: The Book & the Type Specimen Book. The Bullen Letters / Edited by Jennifer B. Lee.
43/44, Volume XXII, Numbers 1 and 2 / The Rise and Fall of ATF / David Pankow. Introduction to the Exhibition / Jennifer B. Lee. Type to Print: The Book & the Type Specimen Book. The Bullen Letters / Edited by Jennifer B. Lee.
45, Volume XXIII, Number 1, copyright 2003 / The Early Nineteenth-Century Boston Engraving Trade and the Engravers Who Developed It / Donald C. O'Brien. Homan Hallock, Punchcutter / J.F. Coakley. For Hugh from Roger / Roger Stoddard.
46, Volume XXIII, Number 2, copyright 2003 / The Voice in the Mirror / Robert Bringhurst. Digital Comparison of Letterforms / Kay Amert. The Phototypesetting Era / Frank Romano.
47, Volume XXIV, Number 1, copyright 2004 / Edward Johnston & Robert Bridges, 1901-1926: A Phonetic Alphabet in the Half Uncial Script / Peter Holliday. Seven Letters from C.H. St. John Hornby to John Henry Nash / Robert D. Harlan. Book Review: Marianne Tidcome, The Doves Press / Jerry Kelly.
48, Volume XXIV, Number 2, copyright 2005 / Thomas Jefferson and the Book Arts / David R. Whitesell. The Beginning of Color Printing in America / Philip J. Weimerskirch. John Carbutt and the Woodburytype in America / David A. Hanson.
49, Volume XXV, Number 1, copyright 2006 / Monticello: The History of a Typeface / Charles Creesy. Arts et Metiers Graphiques: The Graphic Design Magazine of the Deberny et Peignot Type Foundry / Amelia Hugill-Fontanel. The Graphic Forms Lectures / Ellen Mazur Thomson.
A Complete History of the Life and Trial of Charles Julius Guiteau, Assassin of President Garfield / H.G. and C.J. Hayes
A History of the most distinguished martyrs : in various ages and countries of the world; embracing accounts of their sufferings and death, with other interesting particulars.
A Little Book of Tribune Verse: A Number of Hitherto Uncollected Poems, Grave and Gay / Eugene Field
BookA Londoner's view of three Los Angeles printer friends and their work : Grant Dahlstrom, Saul Marks, Ward Ritchie / John Dreyfus.
A Mexican American treasure trove / Norma Fifer. Expectations for the library of the 21st century / David Riggs. In pursuit of lost stories: British women's autobiographies / Susan Groag Bell.
A Narrative of the Loss of the Winterton East Indiaman, Wrecked on the Coast of Madagascar in 1792
A Paean to Francis / Trevor Jones / Craft Binders at Hayley and his Last Printer, Morchard Bishop / The Parkest Report of 1871, Hans Schmoller
Publication![A Primer of book collecting. Third revised edition. By John T. Winterich and David A. Randall. [With illustrations, including facsimiles.].](
A Primer of book collecting. Third revised edition. By John T. Winterich and David A. Randall. [With illustrations, including facsimiles.].
A brief alliance: Pugin, Newman and the English saints / Leon Litvack. The lady of Eshton Hall / Anthony Lister. King Solomon's mines: a centenary remembered / Richard Dalby.
A collaboration in handmade paper (Mary Hark & Gudrun Gudmundsdottir) / Krista Spieler. Karen Stahlecker's paper reveries / C.E. Licka. Katsu Tadahiko 1947-1987 / Timothy Barrett. Paper in Chicago / Michael Durgin. Hand papermaking in a detention camp in Mauritius / Inacio Steinhardt. Amate papermaking in San Pablito / Carol Tyroler.
A collection of bookbindings, vol. 2, a catalogue of North-European bindings, by Mirjam M. Foot.
BookA dictionary of abbreviations commonly used by German and Italian antiquarian booksellers and auctioneers / Bernard M. Rosenthal
A fine fall miscellany : literature, Americana, early printing, science, mountaineering.
A further report on "Smith's sewing single sheets" / Brian Reed. James Brockman's binding: The Iliad of Homer / Lester Bath. Finr printing and private presses, by Roderick Cave [review] / George Davidson. Bookbinders' finishing tool makers 1780-1965, by Tom Conroy [review] / Brian Read. Reports of meetings & trainings.
Publication![A history of the principal and most distinguished martyrs in the different ages of the world; : giving an account of their birth, life, sufferings and death; and particularly their dying words in testimony of that religion which they professed. : [Six lines from Revelation] : Illustrated with copperplate engravings.](
A history of the principal and most distinguished martyrs in the different ages of the world; : giving an account of their birth, life, sufferings and death; and particularly their dying words in testimony of that religion which they professed. : [Six lines from Revelation] : Illustrated with copperplate engravings.
A millennium of the book : production, design & illustration in manuscript & print, 900-1900 / edited by Robin Myers & Michael Harris.
A panoply of printers' marks 1975 to 1980 / Mark Livingston. Edward Michael Catich 1906-1979 / Don Moy. On type: Hans Eduard Meier's Syntax-antiqua / Sumner Stone.
A printer's geography, Peter Rutledge Koch, printer and typographer / Mark Dimunation. Jane Stanford's gifts from Timothy Hopkins / Patrick Maveety. Kilderkins, hogsheads & dipping rods, a brief history of the slide rule / Thomas S. Wyman.
A register of artists, engravers, booksellers, bookbinders, printers & publishers in New York City, 1821-42 / compiled by Sidney F. & Elizabeth Stege Huttner.
A science for a king: William of Conches and the Dragmaticon / Thomas C. Moser, Mr. The odyssey of a Steinbeck documentary / Sedgefield Thomson. Of Shavian kindness / Robert Lawrence Balzer. Lace collars / Marjorie Segerstron Coffill. Buildings and books: Leland and Jane Stanford and the University Library / John Y. Cole.
A selection of books from the library of D. Steven Corey / with a preface by William P. Barlow, Jr.
A short instruction in the binding of books / Dirk de Bray ; followed by a note on the gilding of the edges by Ambrosius Vermerck ; with an introd. and a paraphrase by K. van der Horst and C. de Wolf ; translated by H.S. Lake.
A short list of books about ornament / Frances Butler. Review: Kleines Spiel mit Ornamenten, by Max Caflisch / Joseph Visconti. Ornament: purpose and play in medieval manuscripts / Linda L. Brownrigg.
A showing of trade books presented by the members of the New York Book Clinic, selected by the members, from their own work and that of designers associated with them, as examples of the book designer's problem and its handling / exhibited under the auspices of the American Institute of Graphic Arts at the Architectural League, New York, June 1937.
A sketch of the firm of Houghton Mifflin & Company publishers, together with a description of The Riverside Press at Cambridge Massachusetts.
A system of modern geography ... illustrated by an atlas of eighteen maps ... By S. Augustus Mitchell ...
A typographical masterpiece : an account by John Dreyfus of Eric Gill's collaboration with Robert Gibbings in producing the Golden Cockerel Press edition of "The Four Gospels" in 1931.
A typological tally: thirteen hundred writings in English on printing history, typography, bookbinding and papermaking.
A visit to British Poetry of the Romantic Period: 1789 to 1839 / Barbara Charlesworth Gelpi. The February flood of 1998: causes, recovery & recurrence prevention / Michael A. Keller. Forgotten champion of Anglo-Jewish emancipation: David Salomons / Daniel S. Davis.