Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm

the Kathleen V. Roberts Collection of Decorated Publishers Bindings comes to the ABM!

photo via Seven Days/Matthew Thorsen

photo via Seven Days/Matthew Thorsen

The American Bookbinders Museum is thrilled to announce that we are the new (permanent) home of the Kathleen V. Roberts Collection of Decorated Publishers’ Bindings. Described by Rachel Jones of the publication Seven Days as “an expertly curated selection of bindings made by hand between 1830 and the 1950s”, this collection will be of interest to researchers and scholars studying trade binding, book design, and book history in general.

an excellent example of a 19th century trade binding...

an excellent example of a 19th century trade binding…

To read the full article (including quotes from ABM Founder Tim James) take a look here. For more details about the collection, feel free to contact the American Bookbinders Museum at or phone 415.824.9754. –JH