Cochran, Hugh B.
1. (1798) Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 37.
2. (1799) 108 Race street : Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 35. In 1802, 108
Sassafras (Race st.) pg. 55. In 1803, pg. 56.
3. (1805) 108 Sassafras Alley : Philadelphia City Directory, no pg. numbers.
4. (1806) 10 ( illegible probably 108 Sassafras) note Robert Cochran, Printer
is at the same address : Philadelphia City Directory, Cochran is at the same
address in 1807, no pg. numbers. Both men are still at this address in 1808,
1809 and 1810 pg. (63).
4. (1811) 108 Sassafras Alley : Hannah French, "Early American Bookbinding by
Hand" from: "Bookbinding in America" Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg.111
Hugh B. Cochran