Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm: Closed Tuesday Feb. 17th

SF in SF with John Scalzi

Join us for a special mid-week SF in SF when SF author and raconteur John Scalzi comes to the American Bookbinders Museum, reading and in conversation with writer, gamer, and futurist Kimberly Unger.

John Scalzi is probably best known for his Old Man’s War series, three novels of which have been nominated for the Hugo Award, and for his blog Whatever, where he has written on a number of topics since 1998. He has won Hugo Awards (for fiction and as Best Fan Writer), Locus Award, the Robert A. Heinlein Award, the Seiun, the Audie, and received the 2016 Governor’s Award for the Arts in Ohio. He is a past president of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, a consultant for the Stargate: Universe television series, and executive producer for Old Man’s War and The Collapsing Empire, both in development for film/TV. He has also written non-fiction books and columns on topics as far-ranging as finance, video games, film, astronomy, writing, and politics. He has opinions.

Kimberly Unger is author of the virtual reality science-fiction thriller Nucleation and the 2023 Phillip K. Dick Award-winner The Extractionist. Unger made her first videogame back when the 80-column card was the new hot thing and now produces narrative-games for VR, lectures on the intersection of art and code for UCSCs masters program and writes science fiction about how all these app-driven superpowers are going to change the human race. Unger lives in the Bay Area, where she works in the future of VR on the Meta-Oculus gaming platform.

Doors open at 6:00 pm; event begins at 6:30 pm. Admission is $10 (no one is turned away for lack of funds). All proceeds benefit the American Bookbinders Museum.

As always, Bookshop West Portal will be on hand with copies of the authors’ works for sale. The event will be recorded for later broadcast by SOMA FM.

American Bookbinders Museum

The American Bookbinders Museum is the only museum of its kind in North America, celebrating and exploring the history, tools and stories of bookbinders and bookbinding, from its earliest forms through the changes and innovations of the industrial revolution.

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