Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm: Closed Tuesday Feb. 17th

Collecting and Preserving Pop-ups & Miniatures

Join the American Bookbinders Museum on Saturday November 23rd in conversation with Beatriz Haspo to discuss the history and management of miniatures and pop-up’s in book collecting. We think of pop-ups as children’s books used to teach and entertain due to their visual and interactive nature. The precursor to the pop-up was the movable book, dating back to the 13th century and used primarily for scholarly and scientific purposes. Given their “moving” parts, extra care must be taken when part of your collection. Miniatures, given their diminutive size, have their own set of collection management concerns. Learn about the challenges that come with these special editions and how to care for them.

Beatriz Haspo is the Collections Officer at the Library of Congress, adjunct faculty at the University of Maryland in charge of the master degree course in Library and Archives Preservation. She serves as Executive Director of the Association for Heritage Preservation of the Americas. She is a senior book and paper conservator and Contracting Officer Representative, managing special library-wide initiatives, programs, and multi-million-dollar contracts for the Library of Congress, board member of the Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, and a Fellow of the International Institute for Conservation.


Missed the Lecture? No problem, you can access a recording of the lecture.

Thanks to a grant by the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation, we are pleased to be offering need-based scholarships to applicants. If you are interesting in a scholarship please fill out this form to apply.


American Bookbinders Museum

The American Bookbinders Museum is the only museum of its kind in North America, celebrating and exploring the history, tools and stories of bookbinders and bookbinding, from its earliest forms through the changes and innovations of the industrial revolution.

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