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Paradise Lost: A Poem in Twelve Books / John Milton


Kathleen V. Roberts Collection of Decorated Publishers' Bindings

6-3/4 in

4-5/16 in

John Milton


The Riverside Classics



United States

North America

circa 1900 - circa 1905

Publisher's Binding

Sarah Wyman Whitman

Book design attributed to Sarah Wyman Whitman. Bound in her classic three part binding with dark green spine cloth and lighter green cloth for front and rear boards. Title in black with dots between words of title and name of author. A long-stemmed art nouveau flower stamped in black runs vertically along the edge of the dark green spine cloth. Stem bisects the word "The" in the series notation at the bottom - a signature Whitman design technique.

Copyright 1869

H.W. Torrey

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